Blogs and Tips

How to Publish Your First npm Package: Creating Rainbow Highlight with Utilities

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Learn how to create and publish your first npm package. This step-by-step guide walks you through building a fun "Rainbow Highlight" text utility with nested dependencies.

Sep 22, 2024

Google Dorking: Unlocking Hidden Search Capabilities & Insights

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Explore 16 advanced Google Dorking techniques to uncover valuable data, security vulnerabilities, and competitive intelligence across the web. From site-specific searches to proximity-based queries, harness the full power of Google's search engine and dive deep into the digital landscape.

Aug 8, 2024

This One HTML Attribute Could Save Your Web App from a Security Nightmare

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Web security is a critical concern for developers, yet some of the most effective protective measures are often overlooked. This post explores how a single HTML attribute - the 'integrity' attribute - can significantly enhance your web app's security, safeguarding against compromised CDNs and malicious code injection.

Jun 29, 2024

Are You Still Using Basic CSS? Here Are 7 Tricks to Get Ahead of the Curve

Bored of the same old CSS? Unleash 7 hidden gems to take your designs to the next level!

Dec 27, 2023

Easiest way to store your logs in a file WITHOUT chaging the source file(node)

Often, developers face challenges when dealing with a flood of logs in the console, making it difficult to locate specific information. Integrated terminals in VSCode, by default, tend to remove old logs as new ones are rendered, exacerbating the problem.

Dec 21, 2023

Build Your Own Pinterest-Style Masonry Grid: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Create a masonary grid layout with left to right content flow, supporting pagination and resposive layouts.

Dec 10, 2023

Using git diff and git apply to Share Local Changes with Peers

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git diff and git apply are two powerful Git commands that can be used to share changes with peers in a way that is easy for them to apply locally.

Nov 12, 2023

React Portals: Render Components Outside the current DOM Hierarchy


The createPortal API in React allows you to render child elements into a different part of the DOM, outside the current component's DOM hierarchy

Jul 27, 2023

Cloning Made Easy: Try degit and Clone Directories within Repos.


Have you ever faced the dilemma of wanting just a small portion of a repository, but ended up cloning the whole thing? Well, worry no more! Today, I'm here to share an exciting solution that will save you time and disk space.

Jul 19, 2023

Debugging Web Apps with Browser Dev Tools: 6 Amazing Tricks

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Debugging web applications can be a challenging task, with errors like "undefined" or syntax bugs often causing frustration. However, knowing the right set of tools and tricks can greatly enhance your debugging process.

Jul 13, 2023

Controlled Versus Uncontrolled Components in React


Understanding State Management Within Forms Comparing controlled and uncontrolled components in react

Nov 5, 2022

Format Numbers, Dates and Currencies with the Intl Object in Javascript

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Intl object can be used to format data into commonly used formats of dates, numbers and currencies, This saves a lot of time and makes working with Numbers a cake walk

Sep 13, 2022

Image Masking on Hover Using CSS Clip Path and Javascript

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Image Masking can be used to add fancy hover highlight effects to images for making them more interactive

Jul 23, 2022

Recreating CSS Tricks Fancy Grid Hover Effect

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CSS Trick had a simple yet cool grid layout which I found dope. So lets try to recreate and understand how it can made with some CSS combinators.

May 21, 2022

File Explorer Recursive React Component

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How to create a recursive folder Component using react.

Apr 16, 2022

Add Google Fonts to Your React & NextJS + TailwindCSS Project (Next 14)

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Use Google Fonts in Your TailwindCSS Projects

Apr 6, 2022

Event Delegation in Javascript

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Handling multiple Events in Javascript with minimal CPU Usage

Mar 6, 2022

A Simple Web Accessibility Trick that you most probably missed!

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Imagine that you cannot use the mouse and have to Navigate a Website with the keyboard. Be ready to always go through the nested menu items everytime before reaching the actual content.

Dec 23, 2021

Top Terminal Commands I Use For Productivity

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The whole point of development is solving problems. But very often we Developers overlook our very own problems which we face while developing the products/solutions to these problems.

Nov 3, 2021

CSS Logical Properties


CSS logical properties are properties which are used to design element on the basis of a particular logic. This logic is related to the writing-mode/language of the content etc.

Oct 5, 2021

Fluid Typography in CSS 💧

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CSS Best Practices in Fluid Typography

Aug 15, 2021

CSS Units in a Nutshell 🐚


Are you still writing your css units in pixels and percentages? if you are then I would recommend you check out this article where we will

Aug 8, 2021

Master Markdown in 5minutes ⌚


Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. John Gruber and Aaron Swartz created Markdown in 2004 as a markup

Aug 1, 2021

What is JAMStack ✨

Jamstack stands for Javascript APIS and Markup and it is based on this idea of serving static sites to users which are not so static in real.

Jul 31, 2021


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How to Publish Your First npm Package: Creating Rainbow Highlight with Utilities

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